
Mrs. Drusilla Rohini Devi Dhanaraj

13, August 2021

Worry, Anxiety, Vexation, Exasperation.

Not yet out of first covid wave, struck the second,

Deadlier than before, unexpectedly, mercilessly.

Everywhere panic, families falling sick,

Some home quarantined, some hospitalized.

Daily surge of infections, demise of beloved.

Ambulances carrying patients, plying from pillar to post

Desperately looking for admission in hospitals.

All rooms, ICU, corridors full, no room for suffering souls struggling for  breath.

Timely medication unavailable, faced they death.

Lack of medicines, oxygen, added misery.

One person infected, the whole family affected

Family members in isolation, devoid of consolation,

Loneliness looming large in their minds,

Home Call they had due to heart failures.

Kith and kin inconsolable, weeping and wailing.

In all areas, undertakers tough time facing,

Corpses in burial grounds, cremation sites

Waiting for last rites, no relatives in sight.

What a terrible disease! How tragic!

Doctors and nurses taken aback, round the clock service rendered.

Fervent chain of prayers in unison offered.

Some answered, some seemingly not, His will, all for good.

Deprived of physical fellowship with friends and relatives,

Zoom fellowships weekly, greatly revives.

Amidst the chaos, threatening is wave third

All perplexed, bewildered, confused, shell-shocked

Where is God? Why this catastrophe?

Questions- Mind boggling???

Presence of problems, not absence of God.

Unchanging, loving, caring, compassionate is HE,

We know not His mysterious ways.

Pandemic prolonged…procrastinate not to surrender to Him. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow,

Blessed assurance is ours.

God Bless.



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