Emmanuel Home is the outcome of a vision of the leadership of EMC under Rev. Michael Peppin in 1996. The generous contribution of the congregation of EMC towards this cause helped in realizing this vision. Funds were raised through concerts were held by the Music Committee led by the Senior Choir, Children’s Choir and various groups.

In the year 2008, Rev. S. C. Paulraj took over as the Pastor of EMC and a land was identified at Kandigai in Nallambakkam Village near Vandalur. The property of 17560 sq. ft. was purchased with the help of the then Chairman (Late Mr. Jeyasingh Paul) and was to be dedicated by the late Bishop. Dr. Taranath Sagar, but because he was indisposed, Rev. B. Andrew Natarajan was deputed by the Bishop to dedicate it.

Under the leadership of Rev. John R.A Simeon, our current Senior Pastor, the project took shape and construction was started.  A Building Monitoring Committee was formed under the leadership of late Mr. Jeyasingh Paul to monitor the construction. The total built up area is 6091sqft. An upper floor was added to this with provision for caretaker’s quarters. The building now has a total capacity for 60 residents. The home commenced operations from August 2016, and we have 13 residents at present.

The Senior Citizens home was named Emmanuel Home and the Emmanuel Home Charitable Trust was formed. Following were the first Board of trustees, Late Bishop Dr. Taranath. S. Sagar (Bishop of Chennai Regional Conference), Rev. Andrew. B. Natarajan (District Superintendent, Madras North District, Rev. John. R. A.  Simeon (Author/Managing Trustee), Dr. Jayakumar Christian, Mr. Martin Finny, Mr. Paul Diwaker Jacob, Mr. S. Lazar.

The current Board of Trustees comprises of Bishop Rev. E. D. Yesurathnam (Chairman), Rev. Andrew. B. Natarajan (Vice Chairman), Rev. John. R. A. Simeon (Managing Trustee), Mr. Paul Diwakar Jacob (Secretary), Mr. Martin Finny (Treasurer), Mr. S. Lazar, Mr. Daniel Devasirvatham, Mr. D. Udayakumar and Mr. Paul Abraham.

The home is managed at present by the Management Committee headed by our Senior Pastor, Rev. John R. A Simeon as Chairman, Rev. C. James Raj as Vice Chairman, along with trustees from EMC, Mr. Diwakar Jacob (Secretary),  Mr. Martin Finny, (Treasurer) Mr. Glenn Carr, Dr. Jeyavathana Samuel, Dr. Sheila Leonard, Mr. S. Lazar, Mr. Udaykumar and Mr. Daniel Devasirvadam.

The Home is a place for our elders to lead a peaceful life, receive basic medical care and make available their talents in service of nearby communities. One of our Church members, Dr. Rajesh Daniel visits the Home to provide medical assistance.

Efforts are taken to help residents to stay healthy, loved and cared for while being involved in the extended mission of Emmanuel Methodist Church.

Kindly uphold Emmanuel Home in your prayers.

Emmanuel Home is a non – profit care home for the elderly. It is situated off the Vandalur Kelambakkam road near Kandigai, in a small village called Nallambakkam, about 45 km from EMC. The home commenced operations in August 2016 and aims at providing for the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of its residents. We have a team of dedicated staff consisting of a Manager, care givers, health assistants, security and kitchen staff, who take extra care in providing additional assistance for the needy in a loving and caring Christian environment. 



1. Provide a family environment to our residents through community living.
2. Personalized care to residents without affecting their individuality and independence
3. Access to high quality hospital care in case of emergencies and specialized medical needs
4. Fostering a harmonious relationship with family members through visits
5. Ensuring that our residents are happy and peaceful.