Divine Deliverance
Mrs. Drusilla Rohini Devi Dhanaraj
23, December 2021
The deadly pandemic not yet totally eradicated,
In the Holy Sanctuary, in 2020, celebration deprived,
GOD in His mercy, infection controlled,
To worship in unison, enabled in 2021.
His time, His purpose, His will, Who can fathom?
Common is the birth of children, uncommon is the birth of JESUS,
Ordained by our Heavenly Father, prophesied by prophets,
At the right time, At the right place,
Revealed by angels, conceived by the Holy Spirit,
The Divine child, virgin Mary delivered,
Not in a mansion, or palace, but in a manger, lowly.
Cows mooing, shepherds kneeling,
Magi led by the Star of Wonder, visiting,
Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh, spreading,
In reverence meekly, humbly worshiped.
At present, in various ways, celebration exhibited.
Buying, Decorating, Enjoying delicious dishes,
Sharing sweets, cakes, gifts, clothes,
No doubt thrilling, exciting, exhilarating.
Our Heavenly Father prefers
The poor, the needy, the pandemic – affected,
Helpless, Hapless victims, everywhere spotted,
Crave they for food, shelter, financial, emotional, psychological support,
Assistance for maintenance, sustenance.
Sacrificially, let us give, instill confidence.
Cheerful givers God delights in.
“Love your neighbour as yourself” – The Supreme Command.
Love came down at CHRISTMAS,
Nailed on the cruel cross, Our REDEEMER JESUS.
Mission accomplished, to heaven ascended.
FAITH in Him, Heavenly Abode assured.
What a mighty, loving, caring, compassionate God we serve!
Generate generosity, No partiality, Enjoy prosperity.
Face 2022 with Positivity.
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