We are not alone

Fredrick Dawson

The Methodist Elders Fellowship of the Emmanuel Methodist Church  caters to the spiritual fellowship needs of the elders of the church above the age of 60 under the guidance of the Christian Education and nurture committee. Though they are physically weak, they have rich experience in life which can be shared with others for their benefits. To this end, about 50 to 60 of them meet once in two months after the morning church service.  Starting with a prayer by one of the pastors, the MYF lead a time of singing. The elders sing with such gusto forgetting their age. Then, a message from the word of God is given by a well-known speaker from outside. This is followed by a time of sharing when members are encouraged to share  their spiritual experiences in the recent past and the problems faced by them in this twilight period of their life . A time of games follows. Usually the members are divided into 5 or 6 groups and are given questions on Biblical themes. The team which scores the most is given some reward.  Obviously, the people participate with great enthusiasm. Those who celebrated their birthdays in the last two months are felicitated and a token gift is given to each of them. This is followed by a period of prayer for about 15 to 20 minutes. The meeting comes to an end with a simple Buffet delicious lunch.

The MEF had been a great blessing to me. Members care for each other and are always willing to lend a hand when other members face problems . My wife and I stay alone and need help sometimes A few years back, when I was sick with heart attack, many of the elders visited us in the hospital and home and helped us meet various needs. During the recent times of lockdown due to coronary virus, many friends from MEF offered to help us to purchase the daily needs and attend to essential needs like banking etc. The feeling that we are not alone is a great source of strength to us. The unity is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion, a symbol of God’s rich blessings.



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