EMC has a rich mission legacy. To build on the solid foundation of EMC and the mandate to reach the city, Urban mission was formed to seek the welfare of Chennai.
6 major components constitute the Urban Mission
Whole church
4 Tracks of Urban Mission of EMC
Influencing Thought in Public Arena
Professional Networks
Young People
4 Tracks of Urban Mission of EMC
Influencing Thought in Public Arena
Influencing thought is to enable and help people from other faiths to think through various issues which will in turn challenge their faith and belief. Cater to people who think rationally and question the deep issues of life and address those issues pointing to Christ.
A seminar on “Sexuality and Christianity” was conducted to address the issue and to help people think through the various aspects of it.
Professional Networks
Start networks for various professions within the church and emphasize on being a disciple and discipling people in their own professions. We have started a Teachers network where we discussed the draft of the new education policy and sent our suggestions to the government.
Young People
EMC is an aging church and the average age of EMC is 55years. If we do not emphasise on nurturing young people, young people will be lost. We plan to engage with the young people within our church, the unchurched and the young people outside through the following 3 avenues:
- Sport
- Creative arts
- Digital engagement