Emmanuel Methodist Church has a rich history and a fascinating story revealing God’s providence and His glory to the people of Chennai at large.

The story begins in 1874, when God placed a burden of the local church condition in Madras on a small group of gentlemen: Dr. F G Condon, Col. Goddard, Dr. Van Someren and Mr. Bowden staying at Fort St. George. These distinguished men were Methodists and they invited the renowned missionary Bishop William Taylor fondly called the ‘Californian Evangelist’ and known for his evangelistic preaching to Madras. Bishop Taylor set foot on the shores of Madras on February 4th, 1874 and began preaching. The Spirit of God moved through the crowd and there was a tremendous response instantaneously as men and women flocked to the foot of Calvary. Bishop Taylor himself gave Pastoral leadership.

Fellowship Bands were formed in St Thomas Mount, Pallavaram and Perambur. The Bands were led by ‘Class Leaders’ and everyone in these Bands were filled with holy determination to be fully saved, and to save others. Like Apostle Paul in the New Testament time , Bishop Taylor regularly visited the fellowship Bands confirming the faith of the members. After some time the Rev. Shaw was appointed as Pastor at the Vepery church.

Thus, was born the Emmanuel Methodist Church. It was then known as the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Soon it became necessary to have a place of worship and meeting for the new believers. In 1878, “Stella Lodge’ and the surrounding land was bought by the Methodist Mission in Vepery from Mr. T. A. Doyle. During the fundraising for the Church, Rupees 2,000 was offered for the building of the Church.

On December 17th, 1878 the cornerstone for the Emmanuel Methodist Church (EMC) was laid as Mr. Isaac Peters and Rev. James Shaw took on the task of planning and building the Church

The newly established EMC continued to grow and foster a vibrant worshipping family of God and immediately started to reach out to the city of Madras with various social welfare and educational initiatives. 

During the ensuing years till the beginning of World War I, there was a tremendous growth and expansion both in the church and school all over South India.

In 1906, the foundation stone for the Methodist Tamil Church at Vepery was laid and its pastor was Rev. K. R. Gopalah. In 1912, with the arrival of Rev. E. Stanley Jones, EMC experienced a glorious revival and over 200 men and women came to know Jesus during this time.

God’s Providence 

However, with the commencement of World War 1, the activities of the Church started to slow down due to financial stringency. With the depression following the war, the Methodist Mission started to look to other mission agencies to take up the cause, and almost all churches in Madras were either closed or ownership was transferred. 

EMC however continued to stand despite decreasing attendance and low income. The situation in fact became so dire that the Church was offered for sale to the Baptist Church. Providentially that sale never did take place.

EMC continued to survive against all odds.