Emmanuel Methodist Church is committed to safeguarding, promoting and respecting the dignity of all our children irrespective of their gender, age, ethnicity, creed, and abilities.
EMC is committed to safeguarding our children as
- An expression of our faith that believes all are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26,27) and all children are created to flourish in their childhood.
- An expression of church’s mandate to be holy even as our God is holy (1 Peter 1).
- An expression of our obedience to a God who deeply cares for children (Matt. 18, 19; Mark 10; Luke 18).
- A witness to our nation and fear God (Neh. 5:9).
- An expression of our vision to compassionately reach out to our children and nurture them to passionately mature in Christ.
- A compliance to law of the land as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act of 2012 (Government of India)
Our Commitment to Children
- EMC seeks to ensure children are protected from deliberate or unintended actions that place them at risk of child abuse, sexual exploitation, injury, discrimination, and any other harm by any member of the Church or those visiting the premises of the church.
- EMC seeks to ensure these standards in the families of all EMC members
- The scope includes all children who attend EMC and its programmes
- A Child is any person under the age of 18 years (POCSO Act 2012).
- Child abuse is as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as: ‘All forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.’ This includes all abuse including physical abuse; sexual abuse; emotional; psychological abuse and neglect as well as perpetuated using social media platforms.
Safeguarding Principles:
EMC will abide by the following principles of UNCRC in the discharge of its responsibilities towards our children:
- Non-Discrimination
- Best Interest of child/children
- The Right to survival and development
- Consider the views of the child.

Safe Behaviors in our families, campus (includes all EMC sponsored retreats, camps and such other events)
- Ensure safe place: For children to flourish (in our homes and in EMC sponsored events), removing all stumbling blocks for children to access ministries of the church and engaging purposefully and wholeheartedly with the children.
- Prohibits Child Abuse: Those who accept the special responsibility of working with children and youth shall not violate (in-person or through social media platforms) that responsibility by causing physical injury / mental injury which is non-accidental, sexual abuse or serious physical neglect of children.
- Sexual Abuse Prohibited: Those who accept the special responsibility of working with children shall not violate the same, refraining from using a child for sexual stimulation (either physically or over social media platform) of the adult or a third person.
- Two Approved Adult Rule: Two Approved Adults should be present during any children’s church activity. With the door kept open / a window allowing easy observation of the room (wherever possible).
- Ensure Counseling standards: No child of either gender should be counseled by a teacher/ counselor of the opposite gender.
- Empty Room Policy: After an activity, ensure that all children have vacated the room before locking the doors. This will prevent situations where abuse might occur.
- Building Supervision: Children in a room / church building / church property should not be left unsupervised; however, they can play or remain in assigned places approved by leadership.
- Restrooms: Rest rooms / Toilets must be located within the church premises. There must be separate toilets for girls and boys, keeping them open for children to use. All the toilets must have doors for ensuring safety and privacy of children.
- Expressions of Affection: True expressions of affection toward children can be a manifestation of Christ’s love for all of us. A kind word of encouragement to a child or a pat on the back can be a small but significant act for the child. Adults must exercise caution and common sense, when expressing affection toward children physically and on social media platforms.
- Respect a child’s refusal of affection: Never make a child feel uncomfortable; be aware of appropriate hand placement; a child or an observer could misinterpret a pat on the bottom or a bear hug; note that a body-to-body embrace, a touch on private areas (those areas covered by a bathing suit), or any type of kiss is inappropriate.
- Ensure special attention: and care (including access) for children with special needs (physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally challenged).
- Ensure transparency: with and accountability to parents/ caregivers of children periodically, through formal EMC platforms.
EMC Committee for Safeguarding children (CSC)
EMC leadership will constitute a CSC consisting of six internal members, and an External Counsellor (Social Worker or Psychologist) to monitor implementation of this guidelines and report to the Pastoral leadership from time to time as well as the PC.
EMC recognises that any form of abuse of children is a violation of the law of the land. After exercising due diligence in the process, EMC is bound to refer the matter to appropriate law and order authorities.
In case of need for further clarification on the issue of safeguarding our children as well as report on any violations of these guidelines. Please contact the Senior Pastor or Chair of Committee for Safeguarding Children.