Rev. James C. Raj
Rev. C. James Raj was born in a Christian family and committed to ministry by his parents before birth.
In 11th grade, forced to attend youth Camp organized “Youth Evangelical Team” known as YET, on 14th of January 1994 at 8:30 PM, evening meeting at “Santhya” he encountered with God from Galatians 2:20 by the preaching of Mr. Rajasingh, While Mr. Rajasingh preached he asked the question, “are you crucified yourself with Christ? Is Christ lives in you?” Through these questions the Holy Spirit prompted Rev. C. James Raj to commit his life for His ministry.
In response to his call and commitment, he was spiritually mentored by Rev. A.X.P. Rayan to go for fulltime ministry. In the year 1995 after his higher secondary school he went as an Evangelist to a village called Kangeyanallore at Vellore, where he served for 2 conference year before theological studies.
Rev. C. James Raj has been in ordained ministry for 21 years and ministered widely in the context of Rural and Urban churches, served as coordinator for TIDE project, Conference Youth Director, Director of the centre for Child Development and at present serving as the Director of the Executive council called “Program of Pastoral Development” of the Methodist Church in India.
Pastor received his “Bachelor of Divinity” (B.D) from Leonard Theological College of the Methodist Church in India and “Master of Theology” (M.Th) from Methodist Theological University, Seoul, South Korea.
Rev. C. James Raj’s personal vision and mission interest is to equip missionary leaders, promoting urban and rural evangelism and make disciples of Christ by teaching and training through effective pastoral leadership.
Married to MALATHI, M.A.B.ED, a first generation Christian from a strong Hindu (Brahmin) background encountered Christ, received call to serve, obtained theological studies at Leonard Theological College and became an ordained Deaconess of the Chennai Regional Conference of the MCI, served in various capacities as Principle of our Methodist Schools, Coordinator for TIDE project, Director& manager of Child Development centers, Districts Lady evangelist and at present Serving as Supervisor of the ministries of Social Units of CRC that serves as Catalyst to up lift the down trodden and marginalized Women and Girls of the society by providing tailoring skills. Our daughter JAMIMA, a great gift of God very adoptive to the context of ministries where ever we are.