Welcome to the Women’s Ministry Community – WSCS at EMC!
In the midst of an hectic schedule that our life has become , we want to connect with you.
The Women’s Ministry at EMC is built on the foundation of reaching out to the women at large by nurturing a gospel-centered community. We are praying that God will reveal ways we can serve to bring women closer to each other and to Christ. Our prayer is for God to guide us as we support each other, encourage new relationships and grow in faith and spiritual knowledge.
Rooted In Christ, We Go Forth In Love, To Share, Care And Serve

Women’s Society of Christian Service, better known by its initials WSCS, is a ministry within the Church for women above the age of 34 years. The main purpose of WSCS is to help women grow in Christian maturity and unite them in Christian service.
Commune Nurture Demonstrate Go
We are an active, engaged community, going places together.
We follow Jesus in four ways:
COMMUNE with God in worship, community, & prayer
NURTURE deeper in a relationship with Him
DEMONSTRATE Christ’s love to those around us
GO wherever He leads

Monthly Fellowship
Fellowship opportunities and activities – We MEET and reach out through scripture and fellowship every 3rd Saturday at 5:00 PM.
Bible Study
Spiritual Growth – to connect women to Christ and to each other through teaching and leading in God’s Word. Bible Study – every Wednesday.

Testimony Time
Encouragement – build relations that matter – Testimony Time – His Glory in my Story by the renewing of their minds – every Thursday Vblogs one lady at a time.
Prayer Time
Caring Hearts – prayer and support to cater to a soul in need, not only within our group, but to the others who require help . Prayer warriors meet in prayer on Fridays at 6:00 PM.
Fun Saturdays
Quiz time on WhatsApp.
Service to Church and Community
To the best of our ability, the WSCS provides services, counseling, spiritual and material help to those in need.
Women’s Retreat
Once in a year, we step away from the business of our daily lives to spend time hearing from God’s word in the company of other women. There is plenty of solid teaching, real conversations, and laughter.

Do join as we Commune / Nurture / Demonstrate / Go with us as we travel on this amazing journey with Christ and do bring a friend along!
If you’d like to be a part of WSCS, drop us a message.