The Methodist Youth Fellowship is a group of vibrant young people. If you are between the ages 17-25 years and are looking for a group of young people who love the Lord, to fellowship with and grow in the Lord, come and join us! We’d love to have you!
What does MYF mean to us?
Regular Fellowship
We meet every Sunday from 11:00 AM till 12:30 PM for a time of Worship, learning from the Word, Prayer and Fellowship. Contemporary issues faced by youngsters are addressed in the light of God’s word.

Bible study
We meet for a time of Bible study, Discussion, Prayer and Worship every Wednesday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, where we delve into what the Bible has to say to us. As young people we do in-depth studies on relevant topics, books and characters from the Bible. “RightNow” media is used for our Bible study. Currently we are studying “The Book of James”
The Book of James – Francis Chan
True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. The book of James speaks to the realities of a living faith in Jesus—the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty discipleship that is borne out of an authentic relationship with the risen Lord. James writes to believers who know suffering, who’ve faced trials, and who ultimately desire a deep relationship with God.
The study challenges followers of Christ to move beyond a private, intellectual knowledge of God and His Word, to a vibrant faith that impacts every square inch of life.

Let’s talk – Spoken English classes for students
In a small way – to reach out to the community around us – we, the EMC-MYF have taken up an outreach initiative to volunteer to help teach fluency in spoken English through a series of weekly classes. It has been a blessing to us as a fellowship as well as the students who participate.
MYF Annual Events – don’t miss out!
Annual MYF camp and retreat
We have our much awaited – Annual MYF Camp in the month of June and we have two retreats in a year where we take a step back from the never-ending grind of our regular schedules for a day or two – to regroup, refresh and refocus our attention on God. It’s also a time where we get to bond together as the MYF family as we spend time worshipping, learning and navigating through various pertinent topics for us as young people who want to follow Jesus. Fun, laughter and games are guaranteed!

Youth Sunday
We have our special Youth Sunday every year in the month of February, where we lead the service and all our MYFers work together to showcase their talents in the church in the form of a presentation which includes singing, lots of fun through skits, choreos and mimes – but most importantly, it’s all about Jesus!
EMC-MYF is a place where we grow, nourish and build each other up in God’s word and also help and be there for each other on a day to day basis.
If you’re a young person between the ages 17-25years,
MYF is the place to be!
Leave us a message. We’ll help you get connected. We’d love to have you in our fellowship!