Home Builders is a fellowship group for married couples – newly-weds extending till those who have been married for 30 years. So if you see yourself in this category please join us.
Our desire is to equip families – spouses/parents – to establish and nurture a Christ-centered home. We seek to accomplish this through a realistic understanding of who we currently are (our strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings) and who God has purposed for us to be as individuals, spouses and families.

Regular Fellowship
We adopt various methods to accomplish this such as through Bible studies, book series and topical Bible teaching. Our fellowship includes about 8- 10 couples who are passionate about serving the Lord with our families. When at church, physically, the fellowships normally take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays between 11:15am and 12:30pm.
Due to the present situation, we haven’t been able to gather at church, but we meet over Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays, between 6 pm and 7:30pm. We meet twice a month. We also meet for a time of prayer apart from the regular fellowship meeting.
Bible Study
The bible study currently deals with a series on “Max on life” from Right now media, which we began in April 2020.
Max on life -Max Lucado
Why Me? Why am I here? Why did this happen? Can you help me understand? Where’s the lifeline? Where can I turn? Is there any hope?
We have questions. Real, important and challenging questions. Questions about family, finances, and forgiveness. Unsettling questions regarding illness, death and eternity. Don’t we crave answers to these questions that tug on the deepest parts of our hearts?

If you would like to know more about the home builders fellowship or would like to join us. Leave us a message, we’ll get in touch with you.